The Tasmanian Netball League was first played in 1987. Since then, the competition has developed and offered a pathway for high performance netball across the state. We welcome you to the 2025 season. You can find all information about the clubs currently licensed to compete in the Tasmanian Netball League through the links below. This includes the 2025 teams, coaches, club information and sponsors.
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document The purpose of the Tasmanian Netball League (TNL) Operations Manual is to determine: a) League participation eligibility and expectation. b) League management and operation. c) Match-day requirements and responsibilities. d) Competition and match rules. e) How all stakeholders can best work together to achieve the intended Purpose of the League. This document serves as the central guide to League management, operation and rules. The document is referenced in TNL Club Licence Agreements. All Licence holding Clubs participating in the TNL are bound by the conditions contained in this document. Netball Tasmania may from time to time amend, add or remove conditions in this document provided it has acted reasonably in doing so. Clubs will be given an opportunity for consultation and feedback where applicable, however for the avoidance of doubt, Netball Tasmania has the right to apply any final changes to the document. 1.2 Tasmanian Netball League Purpose The Purpose of the TNL is: To provide a state-wide competition which provides the highest standard of Netball in Tasmania; serves as an effective high-performance pathway for athletes and officials; and showcases the best of Tasmanian Netball. 1.3 League Performance Measures TNL competition performance will be measured against the following criteria: a) The League is attractive, accessible, marketable, and financially sustainable. b) The best athletes and officials are participating in the League. c) The League is providing the best possible competition for the ongoing development of State program athletes and officials. d) Risk associated with running the League is effectively managed. League performance will be measured annually by the Netball Tasmania Board, or by a TNL Advisory Committee where appointed by the Board. 1.4 Interpretations and Definitions 1.4.1 Interpretation In the interpretation of the Operations Manual: a) Words in the singular include plural and vice versa b) Words denoting any gender include the other gender c) ‘Including’ and similar words do not imply any limitation, and d) Headings are provided for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of the Operations Manual. 1.4.2 Definitions Away Matches Means matches played outside of an applicable Club’s immediate area of location, and for which that Club does not host the match of receive ticket revenue. Board Means the Board of Netball Tasmania. Home Matches Means matches played in an applicable Club’s immediate area of location, and for which that Club hosts the match and receives ticket revenue. League Means the Tasmanian Netball League TNL Means the Tasmanian Netball League ASADA Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Clubs Means clubs that have a licence to compete in the Tasmanian Netball League Teams Means the teams fielded by clubs that have a licence to compete in the Tasmanian Netball League (with Team having a corresponding meaning) Match Means all TNL matches and all netball matches between some or all of the clubs in respect of other events Ordered Off Means an athlete who is ordered off the field of play by the umpires and takes no further part in the match and “Ordering Off” has a corresponding meaning Other Events Means other events or functions organised or controlled by Netball Tasmania relating, directly or indirectly, to the League, including any sanctioned pre-season tournament between Teams, training matches involving Teams, any promotional matches involving athletes and any ceremonies, awards nights, official dinners or functions organised by Netball Tasmania Operations Manual Means the League Operations Manual that is issued to clubs and amended by Netball Tasmania Athlete Means a person who has signed an agreement with a club for the League season and/or is named on the Team List for a match. Season Means the period TNL sets aside for the conduct of the League within any 12-month period, including the pre- season, season proper, Finals Series and any post season tournament or knockout cup competition organised or sanctioned by Netball Tasmania Team List Means the names of up to 12 athletes and up to 5 Team Officials that a Team submits prior to a Match. The athletes listed on the Team List may or may not take the court in a match.
2.1 Netball Tasmania Netball Tasmania is the Competition Owner of the TNL and is responsible for the effective operation and management of the competition. The Media and Events Manager – Netball Tasmania will be responsible for planning, co-ordination and administration of the TNL. 2.2 TNL Advisory Committee Netball Tasmania will, from time to time, appoint a TNL Advisory Committee to assist, or lead: a) The review of Licence applications b) The review of TNL performance against the designated Performance Measures, or c) The review of proposed changed to the rules or operation of the TNL. The TNL Advisory Committee will consist of three individuals, appointed by Netball Tasmania, who possess suitable skills to undertake their duties and who demonstrate a suitable level of impartiality. 2.3 League Insurance The Tasmanian Netball League will be a Netball Tasmania sanctioned competition, and therefore covered under the Netball Australia Group Insurance scheme. Personal Accident and Injury Insurance is provided for under the scheme, to protect participants who are injured when training or playing. Other coverage includes but is not limited to Public Liability, Management Insurance and Travel Insurance. For participants to be covered under the scheme, they must be registered as a Member of Netball Tasmania in the PlayHQ system prior to participating. More information relating to the Insurance Scheme may be accessed here: 2.4 League Sponsorship Netball Tasmania owns all assets associated with the TNL and may leverage such assets for the purposes of acquiring sponsorship and other support (financial or non-financial) to aid in the effective operation of the competition. This includes but is not limited to naming rights sponsorship. Netball Tasmania is the only party authorised to use competition-based assets for the purposes of securing sponsorship, unless written permission has been provided by the CEO of Netball Tasmania to another party. Clubs holding Licences in the TNL may use assets aligned specifically to their Club and their allocated Home Games for the purposes of acquiring sponsorship. 2.5 Marketing and Promotion Netball Tasmania will to the best of its ability market and promote the game to prospective sponsors and fans, along with adding value for existing sponsors, through platforms including: a) Season Handbooks and Finals Programs b) Print Media c) Television Media d) Social Media e) Live Streaming f) Member Associations g) Community Engagement Activity h) Corporate/Social Partnerships Netball Tasmania will ensure that at least one (1) dedicated Social Media post through Netball Tasmania accounts is allocated to each Club in any given season for the purposes of promoting their major Club sponsor. Promotion of individual player sponsors will not be promoted directly Netball Tasmania. Sharing of respective Clubs social media posts by Netball Tasmania will also occur where relevant and appropriate given the broader Netball Tasmania Social Media schedule. Netball Tasmania will also conduct one (1) Social Media ‘Club-takeover’ annually to allow for further Club promotion via Netball Tasmania Social Media accounts. 2.6 Licencing Netball Tasmania will provide Licences to Clubs to participate in the TNL. Licence periods will generally run between two and four years and align to funding/sponsor agreement periods. At the conclusion of any given Licence period, all Clubs will be required to reapply for Licences and ‘non-current’ Clubs will have the opportunity to apply. The Licence application process, and any specified criteria/information to be addressed in the application, will be advised to Clubs and Associations at the commencement of the final season of the preceding Licence period. Clubs will be advised of the status of their application immediately post the conclusion of all activities (including any TNL Awards Event) in that same season. Whilst all applications will be considered fairly and reasonably, Netball Tasmania reserves the right to apply geographical considerations to competition entry where it is considered necessary to ensure that the Purpose of the League is upheld. Licence holders will be required to sign a Licence Agreement to confirm their entry into the TNL and will be bound by the conditions of the TNL Operations Manual. 2.7 Termination of Licence Should a Club fail to adequately meet its responsibilities under the Licence Agreement, or alternately be found to be in Breach of the Code of Conduct or applicable Policies, Netball Tasmania may impose sanctions as it consider appropriate to deal with the case in question. In extreme cases and material breaches Netball Tasmania, with the approval of the TNA Board, holds discretion to suspend or terminate a Club Licence. 2.8 Ticket Revenue and Pricing Unless advised otherwise at the commencement of a given season, or in relation to specific matches, Clubs will retain revenue generated from ticket sales at their designated Home Games. Netball Tasmania will annually advise ticketing structure and pricing. For season 2025, ticketing pricing will be as follows: a) Adult – $10.00 b) Concession (pensioner and student) – $5.00 c) Children under the age of 10 – FREE d) Family Pass - $25.00 (2 adults & 2 children) As specified later in this document, Netball Tasmania manages the operation of the TNL Finals, including the cost of venue hire. As such, Clubs will not receive revenue generated from ticket sales for the TNL Finals Series. 2.9 Entry Passes At the commencement of each season, Licence holding Clubs will receive an allocation of 40 Season Passes. These passes, provided for players and officials from each Club, must be honoured for free entry at all TNL matches in which their team is participating, despite whether they are allocated as ‘home’ or ‘away’ Club. Season Passes do not include free entry to TNL Finals. Clubs should be advised that several other Season Passes are also provided to Netball Tasmania staff, Officials, Media and TNL Sponsors, and these passes must also be honoured for free entry at all TNL matches, excluding finals. 2.10 Club Liaison Officer All Clubs must annually appoint a Club Liaison Officer to be the central point of contact with Netball Tasmania. Club Liaison Officer name and details must be provided to Netball Tasmania at commencement of October in year preceding competition. Where this advice is not received, any information requiring circulation will be sent to the existing contact details on file. Club Liaison Officers have a responsibility to act on behalf of the Club to distribute information, or act on any necessary matters, in a timely manner. Netball Tasmania strongly recommends that either the Club Open or 19&U Team Manager assumes this role to ensure that, where necessary, information is received at Team level in a timely manner. 2.11 Season Launch Netball Tasmania may conduct a Season Launch prior to Round 5 of any given season, and in accordance with the expectation of the League sponsor. Clubs are to be represented as requested at a Season Launch and will be expected to meet identified media requirements, including but not limited to team or team captain photos. 2.12 Speciality Rounds Netball Tasmania may from time to time work with Clubs to run ‘Specialty Rounds’ of competition in which certain parties are recognised. These may include but are not limited to Indigenous Round and Mental Health Awareness Round. Netball Tasmania will work with Clubs prior to the commencement of a given season to identify where Speciality Rounds will be played, as well as individual Club commitments. Clubs may submit a request to Netball Tasmania where they wish to run their own Specialty Round attached to a home game. 2.13 Tasmanian Netball Awards Dinner Netball Tasmania will conduct the Tasmanian Netball Awards Dinner shortly post the conclusion of each season. The Tasmanian Netball Awards Dinner will be used to present a variety of Awards, including those relating to the TNL. All Clubs are required to encourage strong attendance at the Dinner and must commit to pay for a table of ten Club members as a minimum. The location and venue of the annual Tasmanian Netball Awards Dinner will be at the discretion of Netball Tasmania with consideration to relevant factors. 2.14 Meetings Netball Tasmania will from time to time schedule meetings in relation to the TNL. These may occur in person or via teleconference or videoconference. Clubs are required to be represented at all scheduled meetings, provided that Netball Tasmania has given a minimum of 10 days’ notice. In the event of 10 days’ notice not being possible, an urgent special meeting will be raised and Clubs delegates are to video or phone in to meetings if not able to be present in person. Where possible, meetings will be conducted via video conference to avoid travel cost and risk. 2.15 Member Protection The TNL competition will be governed by the Netball Tasmania Member Protection Policy. Click the Member Protection Policy button below to view the policy on our website. 2.16 Dispute Resolution Where a Club experiences an issue in relation to the Management of the League, they are required to adhere to the following structure. Clubs should not proceed to the next step in the chain until they have made contact at the appropriate level and feel that the matter has not been resolved to their satisfaction. a) Raise the matter verbally with the Media and Events Manager of Netball Tasmania. b) Raise the matter in writing with the Media and Events Manager and request formal review. c) Raise the matter in writing with the CEO of Netball Tasmania. d) Raise the matter with a TNA Board Member. The TNA Board hold ultimate discretion on all matters associated with the League. Should Clubs progress to latter stages of the process without having progressed through all steps, their matter may not be addressed without first being directed to the appropriate party for review.
3.1 Participating Clubs The number of Clubs participating in the League during a given Licence period will be at the discretion of the Board and will be determined through a Licence application process. 3.2 Divisions of Competition Divisions of competition for the current Licence period have been approved as follows: a) Open b) 19&U 3.3 Team/Official Bench Eligibility Match-day team benches must not exceed 17 persons in total and may consist of the following: a) Up to 12 age eligible athletes in full uniform; b) Up to 5 eligible team officials which may consist of a combination of Coaches, Managers, Primary Carers, Performance Analysts or Statisticians; and c) Any injured athlete who may be named as part of the maximum 17 persons as either an athlete or an official provided that; i) they are listed as injured on the official paperwork; and ii) they are wearing club uniform. 3.4 Home and Away Schedule The number of rounds of competition in each season will be dependent upon the number of clubs granted a Licence during that period. However, the total number of rounds of competition prior to finals will not exceed 21. Every effort will be made to ensure that in each season: a) Each Club will play every other Club an equal number of times; and b) Each Club will receive an equal number of allocated Home and Away matches. Where the above noted conditions are unable to be met, Netball Tasmania holds discretion over the final roster however impacted Clubs will be engaged in the planning process and all attempts will be made to ensure that alternate plans are fair to parties involved. 3.5 Competition Points and Ladder 3.5.1 Competition Points The points system applied to the competition for the current Licence period will be as follows: a) 4 Points To the team which wins the match b) 2 Points To each team in the event of a draw No Competition Points will be awarded to the team losing the match. 3.5.2 Ladder The League Ladder will be arranged in order of: a) The team with the highest number of Competition Points, and b) Where Competition Points are equal, the team with the higher ‘goals for and against’ percentage will receive superior Ladder placement. 3.6 Forfeit and Disqualification 3.6.1 Forfeit Where a Club/Team forfeits a match for any reason: a) The forfeiting team will have 4 Competition Points deducted; and be awarded a points differential of zero goals For and 40 goals Against. b) The team who the forfeiting team were scheduled to play will be awarded 4 Competition Points; and be awarded a points differential of 40 goals For and zero goals Against. i) Where the match is completed before the breach identified, the team who were forfeited against will be permitted to retain percentage gains above a margin of 40 points differential. Where a Club/Team forfeits a second game within a given season, their participation in the League may be assessed by Netball Tasmania, and they may be disqualified from further competition in that year. 3.6.2 Disqualification A team may be disqualified from competing in each match on the following grounds: a) The Club is unable to field the minimum number of athletes stipulated under the INF Rules. b) The Club is at any stage found to have allowed an un-registered athlete to take the court. c) The Club is at any stage found to have allowed an athlete to take the court in a Division for which they do not meet the Age Restrictions. d) The Club is determined by Netball Tasmania to be in Breach of their requirements under Licence or the Operations Manual. If a team is disqualified and therefore determined unable to compete in any given match, the forfeit and disqualification rules advised in 3.6 will apply. 3.7 Finals Format and Schedule 3.7.1 Finals Format Teams placed from 1 to 4 in each Division at the conclusion of the rounds will compete in the Finals series. Finals format is as follows: Week 1 a) 1st Semi Final 1 v 2 b) 2nd Semi Final 3 v 4 Week 2 c) Preliminary Final Loser 1st Semi Final v Winner 2nd Semi Final Week 3 d) Grand Final Winner 1st Semi Final v Winner Preliminary Final 3.7.2 Finals Schedule The location and venue of all rounds of the Finals series will be at the discretion of Netball Tasmania and advised on a weekly basis following the final round of competition. Consideration will be given to venue availability, venue cost, the highest ranked team in each respective division (semi and preliminary finals) or the highest ranked team in the Open division (grand final), most appropriate day of competition (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) and the practicality of running Finals in multiple venues dependent on the teams competing in each round.
4.1 INF Rules League matches will be conducted under INF rules, except where additional rules are stated within section 4.2 of this document. 4.2 Additional Rules 4.2.1 Rolling Substitutions Teams will be allowed to make substitutions during play, this includes during stoppages and intervals. There is no limit to the number of substitutions that can be made, and more than one substitution may be made at any time. Play will not be held for substitutions. For substitutions made during play: a) The substitution area will be the point at which the sideline intersects the transverse line closest to each respective teams’ side of the Score Bench. b) Players substituting on to the court must wait in the area until their corresponding player leaves the court. A tag (with hands) must be made by the player leaving the court prior to the substitute entering the court. c) Players must observe the offside rules as they enter/leave the court and must not interfere with the umpire’s vision or movement at any stage. In order to adhere to offside rules, players at GS and GK whose team bench is at the opposing end of the court must leave the court within their ‘legal’ third and make their way down the mid-court sideline to the substitution area. d) If a substitute player enters the court incorrectly, they will be required to leave the court and re-enter correctly and a free pass may be awarded against them. e) A player leaving the court under substitution must return to their team bench area. f) Teams are required to submit a substitution form to the Bench Manager as soon as practical once the substitution has been made. 4.2.2 Coaches Box Coaches are permitted to stand and walk within the designated Coaches Area in any given match. Coaches must ensure that their positioning at any given time does not impede the movement or visions of the umpires, including the reserve umpire. The Coaches Area will be defined as an area of one meter around the entire length of the Team Bench, including behind the bench. The Coach may also stand directly at the end of the Team Bench farthest from the Score Bench. 4.3 Match Duration TNL Match duration will be as follows: a) 60-minute game length b) 4 x 15-minute quarters c) 3-minute intervals at quarter time and three-quarter time; and d) 5-minute interval at half time. Click the button below to view Match Timings Run Sheet 4.4 Match Suspension or Cancellation Once a match has commenced, it may only be suspended by the Match Day Supervisor, at times under recommendation from the Umpires, due to: a) Poor conditions in the Field of Play (FOP) b) Equipment damage or failure c) Serious participant injury or illness, or d) Any other matter which is deemed to present a Health and Safety risk, or materially compromises the integrity of the match. The Match Day Supervisor may suspend play for up to a period of 30 minutes for the purposes of mitigation of the risk, after which the match must be cancelled. In the event of a match being cancelled after play has commenced, the following practice will be applied by the Competition Manager. a) Both teams will be approached by the Competition Manager on the Monday following the match and offered the opportunity to reschedule the match to a mutually agreeable time. If one party does not wish to reschedule or a suitable alternate day and time cannot be reached, then: b) If the game has been called off prior to half time, a draw will be declared, and each team will receive 1 Competition Point. c) If the third quarter has commenced, then the score at the time of match cancellation will be applied as the official match result and Competition Points will be applied accordingly.
5.1 Licencing For each Licence period, Netball Tasmania will award a Licence to Clubs approved for participation in the League. This document, along with the Club Licence Agreement outline the participating Clubs obligation as a Licence holder. By signing the Licence Agreement, the Club also agrees to abide by the conditions set out in this document. In order to receive and maintain a Licence: a) The Club must be a registered incorporated entity b) The Club must be affiliated with a Netball Tasmania Member Association c) The Club must register all athletes and officials to a Netball Tasmania Member Association, and d) The Club must meet its financial commitments as outlined in this document relating to Licence Fee, and Venue Equalisation. 5.2 Licence Fee All Clubs must pay a Licence Fee to participate in the TNL. The Licence Fee for the period commencing 2025 is confirmed as: a) 2025 - $3,375 (excluding GST) b) 2026 - To be reviewed at end of 2025 season c) 2027 – To be reviewed at end of 2026 season d) 2028 – To be reviewed at end of 2027 season 5.3 Other Financial Obligations Clubs are also liable to pay an annual Fee to Netball Tasmania for Venue Equalisation. In the 2025 - 2028 Licencing period, the Licence Fee & Venue Equalisation will be paid in three instalments. The Venue equalisation fee is a nominal $3,000 and will be invoiced by Netball Tasmania on: 1st instalment - 30th March 2025 - $2,237.50 2nd instalment - 30th June 2025 - $2,237.50 3rd Instalment - 30th September 2025 - $2,237.50 In addition to the Licence Fee and Venue Equalisation Fee payable to Netball Tasmania, Clubs must consider how they will cover other ongoing costs inclusive of expenses including: a) Uniform b) Administration c) Travel* d) Accommodation e) Sponsor Activation f) Governance * Upon calculation of kilometres travelled while playing for competition points during any given home and away season, Netball Tasmania may provide a travel grant at our discretion. 5.4 Reporting Requirements Upon request from Netball Tasmania, Clubs must make available, or produce applicable reporting to document, Financial performance summaries. 5.5 Athlete Registration Prior to each season of competition, Clubs must ensure that all athletes and officials are registered via the applicable Member Association, and through PlayHQ or the applicable online registration tool. Any additional players joining a team throughout the season must also be registered in accordance with above procedures prior to entering the playing enclosure. 5.6 Conduct Expectations Clubs must ensure that participants abide by Netball Tasmania’s Code of Conduct at all times to ensure that the TNL brand remains strong and respected, and that the Brand, Club or Sport are not brought into disrepute. The Code of Conduct reference document can be found on the Netball Tasmania website, at the following link: 5.7 Logo, Uniform and Brand Professional and applicable uniforms for use both on and off the court are to be designed for all athletes and officials by the club. Club uniform must be approved by Netball Tasmania either at the commencement of the Licence period, or prior to any change being made during an existing Licence period. This extends to Club logos, branding and colour scheme, to ensure that there is no duplication between Clubs. It is a requirement to have the TNL logo on the playing dress. This should be positioned on the right breast of the uniform. 5.8 Workforce Requirements Each Club is expected to provide a workforce to undertake a range of activities throughout the season. Roles will include: a) A suitably competent Board or Committee (as applicable). b) Suitably qualified team officials (Coaches/Managers/Primary Carers). c) Bench personnel, and a Bench Manager, for Home Games. d) A TNL liaison to work in partnership with Netball Tasmania e) Ticket Sales (Door) attendants for Home Games. f) A Home Game Match Manager. 5.9 Marketing and Promotion Clubs are expected to exercise their best endeavours to promote the League and its sponsors through appropriate channels. Clubs will be required to share all applicable Netball Tasmania Social Media posts promoting the League via their Club Social Media accounts, as well, as sharing any other posts which are relevant or beneficial to their participants and supporters. 5.10 Sponsorship Clubs are encouraged to seek sponsorship to help meet the financial needs of operating teams in the TNL competition. Clubs are however prohibited from securing major sponsors who operate in a category which conflicts with the League naming rights sponsor at a given time. For example, if the League sponsor were a vehicle company, then a Club being sponsored by a competing vehicle company is prohibited. If there are any concerns as to whether a conflict may exist, Clubs are encouraged to contact Netball Tasmania early in the negotiation phase to seek clarity. Exemptions may be provided and categorised in some cases as a ‘Legacy’ agreement, whereby Club sponsorship pre-dates League sponsorship. Assets available to Clubs to offer in return for Sponsorship are: a) Club naming rights b) Advertising on dresses (major sponsor only, and size/placement to be approved by Netball Tasmania) c) Personal athlete (or official) sponsorship which may be advertised on any non-playing uniform d) Home Game sponsorship and signage to a maximum of two bench-side signs (Netball Tasmania approved), and e) Social Media promotion via Club channels. Use of other assets associated with the League, which sit outside of those noted above, must be approved Netball Tasmania prior to discussion with prospective sponsors. Whilst Netball Tasmania must be consulted on some items as noted above, this is only for the purposes of ensuring that there is no conflict with League sponsorship expectations. 5.11 Ticket (Door Sales) Revenue Clubs are responsible for running their Home Games (except for the Finals Series), as set out later in this document. As such, Clubs retain 100% of the profits of ticket (door) sales. The only exception to this is whereby Netball Tasmania has, prior to season commencement, stipulated that revenue for a certain round must be shared amongst identified teams, due to several teams playing in the one venue at the same time. Netball Tasmania is responsible for hosting the TNL Finals Series, and as such retains the ticket revenue for Finals. Clubs do not cover the cost of the TNL Finals Series venue hire within their Venue Equalisation Fee. 5.12 Home Game Responsibilities As stated previously in the document, except for finals, all Clubs are responsible for running their own Home Games. Clubs should appoint a Home Game Match Manager to assume overall responsibility for these matches, and details of Home Game responsibilities are further outlined in Section 12.
ATHLETES 6.1 Participation Eligibility Athletes participating in the League must be registered on PlayHQ via a Netball Tasmania Member Association prior to taking the court, as is outlined in clause 5.1. Match-day team lists are reviewed following every round of competition and any Club allowing an athlete to take the court who has not been appropriately registered will be disqualified for that Match. In this case, and regardless of the Match result, the stipulations in clause 3.6.2 will apply. 6.2 Age Restrictions Athletes participating in the League must adhere to the applicable Age Restrictions for each Division as follows. All ages refer to the age which the athlete is turning during the year in which the applicable competition is played. 6.2.1 Open Division a) Minimum Age – 16 b) Maximum Age – Not Applicable 6.2.2 19&U Division a) Minimum Age – 15 b) Maximum Age – 19 Match-day team lists are reviewed following every round of competition and any Club allowing an athlete to take the court who does not meet the Age Restrictions for that Division of competition will be disqualified. In this case, and regardless of the Match result, the stipulations in clause 3.6.2 will apply. 6.3 Duty of Care Clubs have a duty of care obligation to ensure that all athletes are physically, mentally and socially prepared for the standard of competition. Furthermore, no athlete may compete in more than six (6) quarters in - one round (day) of competition 6.4 Conduct Expectations Every athlete who takes the court in the TNL competition must abide by the Netball Tasmania Code of Conduct. Any athlete found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct whilst representing their Club will face disciplinary action. View here: 6.5 Movement Between Divisions Athletes between the age of 16 and 19 in the year of competition are eligible for both the Open and 19&U Division of competition. These athletes may move freely between the two Divisions during all rounds of competition prior to finals; however Clubs must adhere to Duty of Care standard which allows no athlete to take the court in more than six (6) quarters in the one round (day) of competition. 6.6 Finals Eligibility 6.6.1 General Eligibility To be eligible to participate in the TNL Finals series (Top 4 each Division), an athlete must have taken the court in a minimum of quarters equal to one quarter of the total quarters played by their Club in one Division during the rounds prior to the Finals series. For example; if each of the Open and 19&U Divisions have 18 matches (72 quarters) prior to finals in a given season, an athlete must have participated in a minimum of 18 quarters. These quarters may however be accumulated in matches an athlete plays across both of the 19&U and Open Divisions. 6.6.2 Movement Between Teams Where a Clubs Open Division team finishes in the Top 4 at the conclusion of the preliminary rounds, and therefore qualifies to participate in the TNL Finals, 19&U age eligible athletes; a) May compete in both their Clubs Open and 19&U Division matches in the TNL Finals If a Clubs Open team does not make or is eliminated from further competition in the TNL Finals, 19&U age eligible athletes; a) May only continue to compete in 19&U Division matches if 50% or more of their total quarters played for the season (in the preliminary rounds) were played in the 19&U Division competition. 6.6.3 Exemption for State Representatives Athletes who have travelled to represent their State for the National Netball Championships, Australian Netball Championships, Suncorp Super Netball, or Australian representation will receive special consideration when determining Finals eligibility. Athletes will be deemed to have participated in TNL for the equivalent number of matches (4 quarters per match) as the State team which they are representing is playing during the period they are absent from TNL matches, regardless of whether they have taken the court with that team. This does not include matches played during a specified break in TNL Competition to cater for State representation, only where competitions overlap. 6.7 Movement Between Clubs The following principles must be adhered to in relation to athlete movement between Clubs. For clarity, these principles only apply where both parties are TNL Clubs. 6.7.1 Player Contact Clubs may speak to athletes from other Clubs to discuss moving on the basis that: a) They formally advise the athletes current/previous Club that they will be speaking to one of their players about moving Clubs, and that they do so prior to the conversation taking place b) Any discussion is held at a time and place which is not detrimental to the athlete’s performance, and c) It is preferred, though not mandatory, that Clubs wait until after a given season to approach athletes from another Club. 6.7.2 Clearance Athletes must be cleared by their Club prior to being registered by another TNL Club. The process for Player Clearance will now be all through PlayHQ. * Clubs will need to check they do not have automatic approval on in PlayHQ. * The player changing clubs will begin to register with their new Club. PlayHQ will recognize that they are trying to register with a new Club. It will ask the player to submit a transfer request to proceed. They choose Get Started. * The Transfer will be reviewed by the Club they are requesting the transfer from. If the previous Club do not allow the transfer due to player being unfinancial with the Club, the Club have the ability to decline the request. * The player will receive an email letting them know to contact the Club concerned for further information. (Please note the current club have 5 days to decline the transfer, otherwise it will be automatically approved). * Once the current club approve the transfer, it will then be sent to the Association running the competition (Netball Tas) for them to approve, and then onto the player’s new club informing them the player has been transferred and can now register with the club. * If the transfer request is approved, the player concerned will receive an email letting them know that it has been approved. They will then be instructed to complete their registration. 6.7.3 Disciplinary Action Where a Club is proven to have materially breached the above noted principles, Netball Tasmania may at its discretion impose Disciplinary Action against the Club in accordance with Section 13 of the Operations Manual. Where this breach occurs outside of season, Disciplinary Action may be imposed in the following season. 7, UMPIRES 7.1 All umpire information may be sourced on this page: - the link is below. COACHES 8.1 Accreditation Requirements All coaches of League Open teams must hold a current Advanced Netball Coaching Accreditation or hold an Intermediate Netball Coaching Accreditation and have been accepted into the Advanced Coaching Accreditation Course and scheduled for assessment in the year of competition. All Open Assistant Coaches and all 19&U Coaches must hold a current Development Netball Coaching Accreditation and have been accepted into the Intermediate Coaching Accreditation Course and scheduled for assessment in the year of competition. 8.2 Uniform All Coaches must wear team uniform when coaching Matches. Team uniform must look professional and consist, at a minimum, of a Club branded polo shirt and/or jacket. 8.3 Conduct Expectations All Coaches are always required to adhere to the Netball Tasmania Code of Conduct when representing their Club. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension. PRIMARY CARERS Accreditation Requirements 9.1 All clubs must appoint a Primary Carer whose details and proof of qualifications shall be lodged with Netball Tasmania prior to participation at any match or training. The minimum qualifications are one of the following: a) Level 1 Sports Trainer Accreditation; or b) Registered General Nurse Accreditation; or c) Level 2 Workplace (senior) First Aid Accreditation. BENCH OFFICIALS COORDINATOR 10.1 The purpose of the Bench Officials Coordinator, in conjunction with the Media and Events Manager, is to provide support and technical expertise to ensure that Bench Official volunteers are appropriately scheduled, accredited and receiving ongoing development. Key deliverable aspects of the role include: a) Coordinate and act as Chair of the Bench Allocations committee, which will be responsible for the allocation of Bench Officials for applicable SSN pre-season and roster matches, applicable ANC Matches, National Netball Championships as required, and the Tasmanian Netball League Finals series. b) Conduct a planning and development meeting for TNL Bench Managers prior to the commencement of the season. c) Provide ongoing support and mentoring of TNL Bench Managers and Officials throughout the TNL Season. d) Coordinate and or facilitate development opportunities for Bench Officials. e) Coordinate mentoring and accreditation of new Bench Officials. f) Represent Netball Tasmania at the annual SSN workshop. g) Communicate all new initiatives, rules and other applicable administrative changes and learning as released via Netball Australia. h) Promote and advocate for Bench Official positions as a genuine opportunity with the Netball Australia High Performance Pathway. BENCH MANAGER 10.2 Each Club Bench Manager will act as a liaison between bench members, umpires, and event staff. The Bench Manager should be an Intermediate Accredited Bench Official who will oversee technical proceedings, assist bench members where necessary, and act as a reserve for any bench member when required. The Bench Manager shall be located directly behind the score bench during matches. Matchday responsibilities include: a) Coordination of Bench personnel b) Set up score bench, including all paperwork and equipment c) Liaise with event officials where applicable d) Distribute team lists, changes, and substitutions e) Coordinate extra time when required, and f) To act as a reserve where required 10.3.1 Training Bench duty training sessions will be provided prior to the commencement of the TNL Season each year. Other opportunities will be provided during the season as identified by the Bench Official Coordinator. Training sessions can be arranged at the request of Clubs to the Bench Official Coordinator. Training will be provided by Elite Accredited Bench Officials organised by the Bench Officials Coordinator. 10.3.2 Accreditation Accreditation will be conducted in line with the Netball Australia Bench Officials Accreditation Framework (Oct 2022). Bench officials wanting to gain accreditation should discuss this with their Club Bench Manager. Bench Managers should ensure each candidate has completed the Rules of Netball Theory Exam (online) first. A certificate is required to be provided to Bench Officials Coordinator in preparation for assessment. Bench Managers should liaise with the Bench Officials Coordinator to arrange a suitable occasion for the practical assessment. A Practical Assessment Form will be completed and submitted to Netball Tas to process the accreditation. 10.4 Minimum Requirements 10.4.1 Bench Manager a) Intermediate Bench Official Accreditation 10.4.2 Bench Officials a) Minimum age: 16 years b) Attendance at a training session (preferable) c) Good knowledge of netball rules and umpires’ signals d) Good communication and teamwork skills 10.5 Uniform Uniforms for Bench Officials are a Netball Tas Black Jacket. All Bench personnel are to wear neutral coloured, non-club branded clothing 10.6 Travel and Accommodation Where travel is required, ground travel will be reimbursed upon receipt of the Officials Travel Reimbursement Form (found here: If overnight accommodation is required, it will be arranged by Netball Tasmania. Match officials may choose to make their own accommodation arrangements, but no reimbursement for such arrangements will be provided.
11.1 Venue Hire Venues will be available for team to access a minimum of 30 minutes prior to commencement of their first match and up to 20 minutes for post-match recovery. Netball Tasmania will exercise its best endeavours to accommodate any additional requirements but cannot guarantee that requests will be approved. 11.2 Financial Model Venue Equalisation will continue to be adopted as per the model for the licensing period commencing 2025. 11.2.1 Venue Equalisation a) All Clubs participating in the TNL will pay an equal contribution towards the total costs of venue hire for matches across the season b) Netball Tasmania will book all venues, in consultation with Clubs, and determine the total cost of season venue hire excluding TNL Finals c) Clubs will then be advised prior to the commencement of the season as to what their Venue Equalisation Fee will be for the season d) Invoicing for Venue Equalisation will be processed as three equal instalments across the season. 11.3 Venue Requirements Host venues must be approved by the Media and Event Manager and field of play areas and playing enclosures should meet Netball Australia standards. Venue facilities are to meet all statutory requirements and Netball Tasmania is to be provided with evidence that venues meet these standards. Netball Tasmania will provide a standard court layout for the set-up of the field of play, court surround and playing enclosure. Note, there must be sufficient space around the entire court to accommodate team and score benches, media and photographers, as well as sponsors’ signage. Netball Tasmania will require as part of the contractual hire agreement that venues open their kiosk facilities for the period of the hire. Should any venue advise that it is unable to provide kiosk facilities, Netball Tasmania will advise the clubs accordingly. Should clubs require catering facilities outside of the venue hire time, an application must be made to the Event Manager not less than 10 days prior to the match. Netball Tasmania will exercise its best endeavours to accommodate any additional requirements but cannot guarantee that requests will be approved. 11.4 Field of Play Requirements The Playing Enclosure is recognised as the designated area that includes: a) Court area (FOP) b) Team Benches c) Score Bench. The Playing Enclosure should be strictly controlled and restricted to those who have an absolute requirement to be there. The following persons are the only persons permitted in the Playing Enclosure and /or FOP. a) Athletes listed on the official team list b) Coaches listed on the official team list c) Umpires scheduled to officiate the match being played or about to be played d) Support staff listed on the official team list e) Appointed Umpire Coaches f) Appointed Bench Officials (up to five persons per match) g) Bench Official Co-Ordinator h) Netball Tasmania staff i) Netball Tasmania approved photographers j) Commercial partners and VIPs for the purpose of promotion/presentations The Match Day Supervisor will be responsible for access control to the FOP, Playing Enclosure and athlete preparation areas. The Match Day Supervisor shall be empowered to move people on/off the FOP as required, e.g. escorting sponsor leverage contractors or entertainers on/off the FOP during intervals or prior to the match. The Playing Enclosure should be set up in accordance with the parameters in the below image: Click button below to view the Playing Enclosure Set Up. The score bench to be centred in line with the centre circle, on the same side of the court as the Team benches. The Team benches must be to the right and left of the centre third, with the first seat placed in line with the transverse line. Team benches should be allocated on the following basis: a) Team 1 (home team) will take the Team bench to the right of the Score Bench b) Team 2 (visiting team) will take the Team bench to the left of the Score Bench. Coaches are permitted to stand and walk within the designated Coaches Area in any given match. Coaches must ensure that their positioning at any given time does not impede the movement or visions of the umpires, including the reserve umpire. The Coaches Area will be defined as: a) An area of one metre around the entire length of the Team Bench, including behind the bench. The Coach may also stand directly at the end of the Team Bench farthest from the Score Bench. In order to provide for the Coaches Area, requirements have been altered within the TNL Rules/Operations Manual to ensure that the Team Bench is located 4.05 metres from the edge of the court. 11.5 Match-Day Audits Prior to the commencement of each match, the Match Day Supervisor must complete the safety checklist, which is a visual inspection tool that helps to identify safety concerns at your training/playing venue and record your actions on training/game day. This should be conducted by completing the Netball Australia Game/Training Checklist on the Safe Netball App provided by Howden Group. A guide on this is attached. 11.6 Operation of Bar Clubs wishing to operate a Bar at their home games for the purposes of revenue generation must first seek permission from Netball Tasmania. Provided that permission is granted, the Club then accepts all liability including liaising with the applicable venue, obtaining a liquor licence and ensuring that applicable staff achieve their Responsible Service of Alcohol accreditation.
12.1 Ticketing Netball Tasmania will annually advise ticketing structure and pricing parameters for all venues. Clubs are permitted to develop their own membership fees but if this includes entry fees, approval must be obtained from Netball Tasmania prior to the start of the season. Unless advised otherwise at the commencement of a given season, or in relation to specific matches, Clubs will retain revenue generated from ticket sales at their designated Home Games. For season 2025, ticketing parameters are confirmed as follows. Cash payment is not permitted and use of EFTPOS machines such as Square or Tyro are compulsory. a) Adult – $10.00 b) Concession (pensioner and student) – $5.00 c) Children under the age of 10 – Free d) Family Pass $25.00 (2 Adults and 2 Children) By request, Clubs have a responsibility to provide Netball Tasmania with an allocation of tickets in prime courtside seating. 12.2 Door Requirements The Home Club is responsible for staffing the entry door and accepting electronic payment for entry to all of their allocated home matches. Door Personnel are to be in attendance at the venue at least 60 minutes prior to commencement of the first scheduled match. The Home Club will: a) Ensure that admission prices are clearly visible. b) Ensure that season passes are shown upon entry for all athletes and match officials. c) Complete a Spectator Audit Form and return it to Netball Tasmania in the bench paperwork envelope. d) Have their charged cashless in person payment system (EFTPOS, Square, Tyro) set and ready, linked to club bank accounts. e) Retain all revenue generated. Further to the above, where games between different clubs are scheduled on the same court after each other (most commonly experienced on double-header weekends), the home team for the first games will be required to staff the door through until the end of the third quarter of their Open team match, immediately after which the home team for the second games will assume responsibility for door duty. Northern clubs will be contacted annually in regard to sharing each day of home double headers or splitting days. Netball Tasmania is open to negotiation on preference. Clubs are, by request, required to assist Netball Tasmania with staffing the door during the Final Series and Grand Final. 12.3 Match Day Supervisor Match Day Supervisors are appointed by each club to oversee and ensure that TNL matches are conducted in accordance with conditions publicised in Netball Tasmania’s TNL Operation Manual. A full role description will be supplied to clubs. 12.4 Venue Audit and Risk Management A venue audit and risk management procedure must be undertaken prior to play commencing in each venue and for each match. and submission of the completed Netball Australia Game/Training Checklist via the Safe Netball Application provided by Howden Insurance Group. 12.5 Signage A-frame signage of League sponsors should be erected and placed no closer than 3.05m from the side and goal lines, outside of the Court Surround. Signs must be constructed of lightweight material such as corflute, with no metal projections or frames. The dimensions will not exceed 600 mm in height. Internal or external venue signage is available to team sponsors or competition supply sponsors, which must be approved by Netball Tasmania. All team sponsor signage erected must adhere to court run off requirements, not impede the view of umpires or the score bench and be limited to two signs per Club. Existing signage that is in direct conflict with the League sponsors must be removed or covered for the duration of the match. Placement of all match day signage is ultimately at the discretion of Netball Tasmania. Please see the playing enclosure set up diagram attached to Section 11: Venue Requirements. 12.6 Bench and Bench Manager The Bench Officials for each game will consist of Scorer 1, Scorer 2, Timer and Bench Manager. These appointments will be made by the Home Club for the home and away rounds and by Netball Tasmania’s Bench Allocation Committee for the final’s series. The role of the Bench Manager is to oversee all aspects of the score bench and is outlined in full in section 10.2. Netball Tasmania will supply required resources at the beginning of each season. Bench Managers are to ensure that the following equipment is available for use each Home Match. Should replacement items be required mid-season, contact must be made to the Competition Manager. a) 2 Match Netballs b) 1 iPad c) 1 iPad charger d) Umpire alerts e) Stationary: Black pens, red pens, ruler, calculator, stapler g) 4 Stopwatches h) 1 Count-down Stopwatch i) ‘How To’ guide for digital Match Day Audit Checklist, and digital Incident Reporting j) QR Code for Umpires to submit MVP votes j) Blood spill and court cleaning materials 12.7 Ice Requirements The Home Club shall provide ice for both the home team and the away team. This ice is for the use of the Primary Carers for injuries etc. Ice for ice baths shall be at the expense of the individual clubs. Netball Tasmania will provide ice for injuries for the Finals Series and Grand Final. 12.8 Announcements There will not be an MC/Court Announcer for regular season matches. Designated matches (all finals, and specialty rounds) will have a specific run sheet, that will be shared with relevant parties prior to the event. 12.9 Countdown Clock Prior to each match, the bench will set the countdown clock in accordance with the Time Before/Between Games Run sheet, which can be accessed in the appendix section at the bottom of this page. 12.10 Coach, Umpire and Bench Coaches At any given time, Netball Tasmania may appoint individuals for the purposes of Coaching and Mentoring Coaches, Umpires or Bench Officials. These individuals will be given access to Playing Enclosure areas. By request, applicable courtside seating provision must be made for these individuals during matches. 12.11 Coach, Umpire and Bench Accreditation Assessment At any given time, Netball Tasmania may appoint individuals for the purposes of Assessing/Accrediting Coaches, Umpires or Bench Officials. These individuals will be given access to Playing Enclosure areas. By request, applicable courtside seating provision must be made for these individuals during matches. 12.12 ASADA Testing An allocation of seats may be required for ASADA. The seating allocation should allow officers to view the FOP and Playing Enclosure for the duration of the match. These do not need to be premium seats, and although these seats may not need to be utilised, they should always be available. The Match Day Supervisor will be responsible for arranging the escort of Doping Control Officers to their allocated seating area prior to the commencement of the match and to the Playing Enclosure during the fourth quarter of the match for player identification. Netball Tasmania will, where able, ensure adequate notice of the attendance at matches by Doping Control Officers. In the event that Doping Control Officers will be in attendance, the Netball Tasmania Media and Event Manager will advise the Match Day Supervisor on duty for the match. If an athlete is disqualified due to a positive drug test, all of her scoring and Match statistics will be removed from the published individual statistics in accordance with ASADA and policy and regulations. 12.13 Photography Photographic accreditation for the Tasmanian Netball League (TNL) applies to all venues and all regular fixture matches, dependent on working space as determined by Netball Tasmania. No photography will be permitted in the TNL venues without the permission of Netball Tasmania. No strobe lighting or flash photography is permitted in the TNL venues. Netball Tasmania authorises media and photographic accreditation at events run under its jurisdiction on the following terms and conditions: a) The photographer must always be positioned behind applicable signage. b) No photographer may enter the field of play. c) Any special photographic requests are to be directed to the Netball Tasmania Media and Event Manger, who will confirm and arrange access to players, coaches and event officials in a timely manner. d) Photographs should not be used to bring a player/official, the league or sport into disrepute. e) Photographers will respect and abide by any individual’s decision to not have their photo taken. f) Copies of photographs must be provided to Netball Tasmania upon request. g) Photographic accreditation application and approval is not transferable. The application form for photographer accreditation can be accessed on this page. 12.14 Video Recording Teams are permitted to video their own matches for development purposes however approval must be granted by Netball Tasmania through the submission of the photographer accreditation application form linked in In the case of nominated persons being unavailable, please email the Netball Tasmania Media and Event Manager for interim approval 5 days prior to the given match. The videoing of matches will be permitted under the following conditions in addition to those outlined on the application form: a) Videoing will be restricted to the nominated positions as agreed by Netball Tasmania. b) For player and umpire safety, videoing will not be permitted on the FOP, including the team bench area and Playing Enclosure. c) Videoing will not be permitted directly in public or VIP seating areas. d) Where videoing, Clubs must provide their own equipment, including power cords/power boxes. Cords must be taped down. Video footage must be used for coaching purposes only and may not be used for commercial purposes. Copies of video recordings must be provided to Netball Tasmania upon request. 12.15 Music Home Clubs may play music during warm up periods or during breaks in play. Volume and sound quality of the music must be of a professional standard, and the content must be appropriate for spectators of all ages. 12.16 Run Sheet – Designated Matches Only Netball Tasmania is responsible for preparing an Event Activity Schedule for any matches that have a promotional or media focus or are a speciality round of the League. The Event Activity Schedule contains the key activities for the event operations. The prescribed announcements will be contained within the MC/announcer run sheets. All match operations, including workforce, contractors, players, team and match officials must operate in accordance with the run sheet. 12.17 Change Room Access A lockable and separate change room is required for each team. The change room should have access to at least 2 x shower and 2 x toilet facilities and the capacity to position suitable ice bath or ice bins. There must be no public access to the team change rooms. A lockable change room, inclusive of shower and toilet facilities, must be made available for umpires at each venue. It is preferable that separate facilities are available for male and female umpires. If this is not possible, shower and toilet facilities that are completely separate from the public must be made available. There must be no public or team access to the umpire change rooms. 12.18 Team Lists A Team List must be submitted via PlayHQ by the team manager or team manager’s delegate no less than 60 minutes before match start time. Digital team submissions must include: a) The starting seven in positions b) Up to five reserve athletes c) The digitally selected Captain (noted with a C) d) Up to five Team Officials, noting their respective roles. Once a Team list is submitted no alternations or additions may be made unless an injury and/or illness occurs before the start of the Match. An alteration to the starting line-up may be requested if there is concern that the athlete(s) concerned cannot commence the match and/or take the court for the match. The applicable teams Primary Carer may be asked to provide verification of such athlete injury and/or illness. The Match Day Supervisor and then subsequently the Bench Manager is to be notified immediately of any request for a starting line-up alteration. The granting of such a request is at the complete discretion of the Match Day Supervisor. 12.19 Match Ball Netball Tasmania will provide each TNL club with two match balls prior to Round One of each season. One ball will be for Opens and the other for 19&U and must be used in all League competition matches. The replacement of lost or unusable official Match balls will be at the expense of the Club unless the ball is faulty and replaced by the manufacturer. 12.20 Minimum Warm Up Requirements A minimum of 19 minutes on court warm up period will be provided prior to the commencement of each match. An area may be available at some competition venues to conduct an additional warm-up, prior to the mandatory FOP warm-up. A full run sheet of time prior to game commencement may be accessed via the button below. 12.21 Player of the Match Award – details to be confirmed by 2XU 12.22 Health and Safety Contingencies Contingencies to be applied in various situations are contained within Appendix 13 – Match Delay, Postponement or Cancellation Policy, and Extreme Heat Policy. The Netball Tasmania Match Manager will be responsible for managing and monitoring a situation where a contingency plan must be implemented and would follow the prescribed contingency actions as required. All contingency documents will be supplied to clubs in the club kit. 12.23 Injury Management Injuries incurred during a match will be managed by the umpire in accordance with the match rules. Any athlete who is injured and moves to the Team Bench may only be treated by the Club Primary Carer or nominated club official. 12.24 Match Protest An official Club representative may lodge a Match Protest if they believe action relating to the ordering off of a player, a direct rule breach or an act of misconduct has occurred and the match result should be reviewed. Ordering off, rule breaches and misconduct are further explained in Section 13. To lodge a Match Protest, complete the form included in the club kit, or contact Netball Tasmania within 24 hours post-match. 12.25 Incident Reporting Any incident occurring in a match must be recorded by the Bench Manager and Netball Tasmania informed as part of the match result notification. Incidents are split into two categories: a) Public liability – to be completed by the Club if potential negligence is thought to have occurred, which resulted in property damage, and/or injury to a third party b) Personal accident – to be completed in the event of a player, coach, official or volunteer suffering a bodily injury that may require reimbursement. Incident reports are to be made via incident reporting form in the bench manager kit and submitted with the Match Day Safety Checklist audit. In the event of not having an incident report form on hand, email the TNL Manager at
13.1 Code of Conduct All Clubs and participants of the TNL are bound by and will comply with the Code of Conduct and INF Rules. Click the button below to view the Code of Conduct. 13.2 Cause of Disciplinary Action Disciplinary action may be taken against a participant if the following occurs: a) A Player is Ordered Off during a Match b) A Club or Participant is alleged to have committed a serious breach of the INF Rules c) A Club or Participant is alleged to have committed a breach of the Code of Conduct d) A Participant is alleged to have committed an act of Misconduct other than an act(s) covered by points a, b and c above. 13.3 Initial Disciplinary Review In the case of a Player being Ordered Off during a Match, responsibility lies with the officiating Umpires to determine whether the offense was serious enough to warrant further review; in which case notification must be lodged with Netball Tasmania in writing with 72 hours of the match in question. In the case of all other causes for review for Disciplinary Action, notification of the incident/s need to be lodged with Netball Tasmania for an initial review to be conducted. All claims received which recommend review for Disciplinary Action will be initially reviewed by the Netball Tasmania CEO in conjunction with the Media and Events Manager. The person against whom the claim has been made will be immediately notified upon receipt of the claim and provided with a detailed outline of the claim. As part of this process, further information and statements will be collected from individuals including but not limited to: a) The party against which the claim has been made b) The party lodging the claim c) The officiating Umpires where the claim relates to a match, and d) The Bench Manager where the claim relates to a match. Dependent on the nature of the claim, Netball Tasmania reserves the right to seek information and statements from other applicable stakeholders as required. Where a claim is able to be settled to the satisfaction of all parties without escalation to a Disciplinary Review Committee, the individual will be eligible to continue immediate participation in the TNL; notwithstanding any applicable direction applied to them as a result of the review, and/or as a condition of ongoing eligibility. Where the Netball Tasmania CEO deems that a Disciplinary Review Committee needs to be convened to further review the claim, the individual against which the claim has been made will be ineligible to compete in the TNL until such time as a ruling by the Committee has been delivered. This suspension pending review may not however exceed one weekend of TNL competition. 13.4 Disciplinary Review Committee As required, and under the advice of the CEO, Netball Tasmania shall appoint a Disciplinary Review Committee for the purposes of: a) Further assessment/review of an alleged incident b) Determination of whether a Disciplinary Hearing will be convened, and c) Determination of appropriate disciplinary action to be taken. A Disciplinary Hearing shall be convened only where the Committee believes that it has insufficient information in hand and therefore wishes to hear directly from any relevant stakeholder. Where a Disciplinary Review Committee is convened, the individual against whom the claim was made must be immediately notified. The Disciplinary Committee, as formed from time to time and as required by Netball Tasmania, will consist of: a) Netball Tasmania CEO b) Tasmanian Netball Association Inc. Legal Officer c) A suitably experienced representative from Communities Sport and Recreation Tasmania d) A suitably experienced representative from another Tasmanian sporting code, and e) A suitably respected and experienced former participant of the TNL – relative to the role of the individual against which the claim has been made. The appointed Disciplinary Review Committee will have complete discretion to firstly determine whether a Disciplinary Hearing is required; and secondly to determine appropriate disciplinary action to be implemented where required. 13.5 Disciplinary Hearing Where considered appropriate by the Disciplinary Review Committee, a Disciplinary Hearing will be convened for the purposes of relevant stakeholders speaking directly with the Disciplinary Committee in relation to an applicable claim. Where a Hearing is convened, stakeholders requested to attend and speak at the hearing will be: a) Advised of the date and time of the Hearing by the Netball Tasmania CEO 48 hours prior b) Afforded the opportunity to join the Hearing via video conference c) Afforded the opportunity to have a support person present, and d) Assured a fair and reasonable hearing in accordance with the principles of natural justice. All Hearings will be held in private and recorded in the interest of transparency. The decision of the Disciplinary Review Committee shall be advised to applicable parties as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the hearing. 13.6 Appeals Process A participant who has been the subject of disciplinary action may appeal the decision within 72 hours of the date of receipt of the written decision. An appeal shall be deemed to have been lodged when written notice is received by Netball Tasmania, together with the required deposit of $500. The appeal will be abandoned if the deposit is not paid within the required timeframe. The Disciplinary Review Committee shall have the power to extend the time for payment of the deposit by request. Once the appeal is lodged and the deposit received, the Disciplinary Review Committee will: a) Meet to review the grounds for appeal and any further information provided; and b) Provide a summary to the Board of TNA Inc. including recommendation that either i. The original disciplinary action is upheld ii. The disciplinary action is altered, or iii. The disciplinary action is withdrawn. In the event of a formal Appeal relating to Disciplinary Action, the Board of TNA Inc. has full discretion and its decision will be final. This decision will be delivered back to the applicable Club via the Netball Tasmania CEO.
14.1 Eligibility Any participant who has had disciplinary action imposed on them during a given season will be deemed ineligible for Awards in that same season. 14.2 Awards List Season Awards for the Licence period commencing 2021 will be as follows: a) Open MVP and 19&U MVP b) Open Best First Year Player and 19&U Best First Year Player c) Open Hot Shot Award and 19&U– Hot Shot Award d) Open All Star Team and 19&U All Star Team e) Open Coach of the Year and 19&Under Coach of the Year f) Umpire of the Year g) Emerging Umpire of the Year 14.3 Selection Process a) MVP Awards - Open 19&U a) Match umpires will consult and vote at the conclusion of each match. Votes shall be awarded to the athletes having the greatest overall positive influence/impact on the game. Points will be awarded as follows. i) 3 Votes – Most influential player ii) 2 Votes – Second most influential player iii) 1 Vote – Third most influential player Votes will be recorded by umpires through a QR Code. The code will need to be filled out with the players full name and Club. b) Should an umpire be replaced during a match owing to injury or other unexpected incident, the umpires officiating at the final whistle shall vote. b) Best First Year Player - Open and 19&U a) Nominations will be called for from Coaches in each Division following the conclusion of the preliminary rounds of each season. b) Netball Tasmania will provide Coaches with a list of eligible athletes from which to make nominations. c) Each Coach will cast votes as follows: i) 3 Votes – First choice ii) 2 Votes – Second choice iii) 1 Vote – Third choice d) Eligible athletes shall be deemed as those who have been registered in the applicable division for the first time, but have taken the court in that given division in 10 or less games in preceding seasons. c) Hot Shot Award - Open and 19&U a) The Hot Shot award will be awarded to the highest goal scorer in the competition in the applicable season. b) As a condition of eligibility, only athletes shooting at greater accuracy than 75% are eligible to win the award. d) All Stars Team - Open and 19&U a) Nominations will be called for from Coaches in each Division following the conclusion of the preliminary rounds of each season. b) Coaches may nominate 10 athletes in total, with due positional consideration to ensure that a ‘balanced team’ is selected. Where Coaches are deemed to have not selected a balanced group, Netball Tasmania reserves the right to ask the Coach to resubmit their nominations. e) Coach of the Year - Open and 19&U a) Nominations will be called for from Coaches in each Division following the conclusion of the preliminary rounds of each season. b) Coaches will be asked to consider who they believe has been the most valuable Coach in the applicable Division over the course of the season. c) Coaches may not vote for themselves. d) Each Coach will be asked to cast two votes as follows. i) 2 Votes – First choice ii) 1 Votes – Second choice f) Umpire of the Year a) The winner of the Umpire of the Year will be determined by the Netball Tasmania Umpire Development Facilitator. b) An umpire must have officiated in a minimum of half of an applicable seasons Matches to be eligible. c) Umpires must regularly be umpiring Open League games to be eligible for this award. g) Emerging Umpire of the Year a) The winner of the Emerging Umpire of the Year will be determined by the Netball Tasmania Umpire Development Facilitator. b) An umpire must have officiated in a minimum of half of an applicable seasons matches to be eligible. c) This award will be determined based on the Umpire showing the greatest performance development and potential for future growth over the course of the season. d) An umpire may only be awarded Emerging once in their TNL umpiring career
15.1 Netball Tasmania Contact The Netball Tasmania TNL Manager is the key contact for Tasmanian Netball League-related queries. Tracy Jones can be contacted at, or on 6159 6139. 15.2 TNL Club Contacts Each club has an appointed liaison that fields relevant communication. a) F45 Cavaliers | b) Cripps Waratah | c) Devon | d) HIIT Launceston Northern Hawks | e) Karana Flames | & f) First National Kingston Blues | & g) South East Suns | &
Speak Up Stay ChatTY Shield
Umpire Appreciation Round