Testing (for Associations)

The Netball Australia umpire accreditation has four levels – C Badge, B Badge, A Badge and AA Badge.

Each has certain conditions that must be met in terms of prerequisites, length and standard of game, and the formation of the assessment panel.

Accreditation Prerequisite Theory Mark Practical Panel (see
C Badge Foundation
Umpire Online
70%+ Local Game
(Ladies, Men’s)
(4 x 10, 12 or 15
minute quarter
1 x C Badge or
higher +
1 x B Badge or
B Badge Intermediate
Umpire Online
Course (once released)
80%+ Local Game
(Ladies, Men’s)
(4 x 15 minute
quarter game)
1 x B Badge or
higher +
1 x A Badge or
A Badge Elite Umpire
90%+ Highest ranked
League game for
that State (4 X
1 x A Badge or
higher +
1 x AA/IUA
AA Badge A Badge 95%+ A combination of
1 x SSN match
and 1 x ANC or a
State League
game of
Standard (4 X 15-
minute quarters)
3 x AA/IUA
(appointed by
Netball Australia)


C Badges and B Badges will largely be awarded at Association level, assuming there are games of suitable standard to perform the assessment. The A Badge process is managed by the State body, while AA Badges are the domain of Netball Australia. We recommend that Associations identify who (person, subcommittee, panel, etc) will be responsible for managing the badging process at their competitions.

Note that this isn’t suggesting that they should be the sole judge of when umpires are ready for testing, or form all the panels, but they should be across the requirements and able to bring the various parts together at the appropriate time and place.

Umpires must have completed the prerequisite course and achieved the necessary theory mark on the Rules of Netball Exam before their practical test, and within the last four years. These are accessed through the Netball Learning system.

As Associations don’t have access to see whether an umpire has completed these, you should ask them to send you the certificates before testing.

The practical test involves the panel observing the umpire on a full game of the level and length listed above and assessing them against the relevant badge competencies. They should use the appropriate test sheet to mark the umpire as competent or not competent, make appropriate notes, and record the result.

For the badge to be awarded, all panel members must assess the umpire as competent on all competencies.

If the decision is made not to award the badge, the testers must outline an action plan, which should identify further training, development or assessment needs to assist the umpire to reach the competency standard.

Regardless of result, the umpire should be given a copy of their test sheet either at the time, or within a few days if the panel needs to consolidate notes and/or type up the sheet neatly.

Details of the badge competencies and test sheets can be found at https://netball.com.au/umpiring-accreditation

Testers must have held a badge at the appropriate level for at least two years. For example, if they have held a C Badge for five years but a B Badge for one year, they may only test as a C Badge until the two year period as a B Badge has elapsed.

If an umpire is no longer umpiring and has let their accreditation expire, they must have a current (within the last four years) relevant pass mark for their badge level in the Rules of Netball Exam.

A list of accredited testers at each level is at the end of this page.

Associations need to ensure that testing panels are properly formed, or Netball Australia (via Netball Tasmania) may not recognise the accreditation. This is not about creating roadblocks, but simply about ensuring that we conform with the national framework.

Once the test is completed, the test sheet should be emailed to Netball Tasmania as soon as possible.

There are then steps that the umpire needs to perform in the Netball Learning system before their accreditation is granted – we will email instructions.

The list below contains all testers at each Badge level who meet the prerequisites of:
1. Having held their Badge for at least two years AND
2. Their Badge being current OR
3. If expired, having a pass mark on the Rules of Netball Exam relevant to their Badge level, achieved within the last four years
Testers not on this list may not be used on panels without prior written approval from Netball Tasmania.

This list is up to date as at 12th March 2025

Badge Current Test as Umpire first name Umpire surname
AA Expired AA Marj Kerslake
AA Current AA Rachael Stebbings
A Current A James Adams
A Expired A Narelle Cameron
A Current A Raymond Donoghue
A Expired A John Fox
A Current A Zoe French
A Expired A Judy Prokopiec
A Current A Lily Spencer
A Expired A Leah Turnbull
A Expired B Kim Gillies
B Current B Kenita Aitken
B Current B Monika Andersch
B Current B Bradley Beeton
B Current B Emma Bolwell
B Current B Ann-Marie Brown
B Expired B Emilia Cocca
B Current B Monique Cooley
B Current B Sarah Cooper
B Current B Caroline Direen
B Current B Hannah Donoghue
B Current B Michelle Foster
B Current B Lauren Gilmour
B Current B Rachael Goetzke
B Current B Aleigha Gumley
B Current B Danica Headlam
B Current B Eloise Jones
B Expired B Jacqueline Lockwood
B Current B Kayla Mckeown
B Current B Jason Nicholls
B Expired B Isabella Pace
B Current B Olivia Perry
B Current B Erin Quillerat
B Current B Kelsie Raspin
B Current B Katrina Richards
B Current C Shanika Braslin
B Current C Jessica Clow
B Current C Tanaya Pitt
B Current C Estelle Round
C Current C Marsha Batchelor
C Current C Sue-Ann Beaumont
C Current C Taylah Bernes
C Expired C Cara Berry
C Current C Caitlin Bidwell
C Current C Jasmin Blair
C Current C Lucy Boulter
C Current C Eliza Bowen
C Current C Macy Bower
C Current C Tania Brunning
C Current C Kaye Buchanan
C Current C Tayla Buchanan
C Current C Leanne Bugg
C Current C Shania Burns
C Current C Jarrod Burton
C Expired C Ian Cameron
C Current C Lucy Carr
C Current C Robin Catlin
C Current C Kayla Clow
C Current C Hannah Coleman
C Current C Catherine Coyle
C Current C Alana Crack
C Current C Isobel Cunningham
C Current C Kayla Cute
C Current C Jorjah Deane
C Current C Drew Dennis
C Current C Rochelle Devlin
C Expired C Anna Di Carlo
C Current C Ebony Duke
C Current C Caitlin Farrell
C Current C Holli Fitzgerald
C Current C Jada Fitzgerald
C Current C Sarah Forsyth
C Current C Vicki Foster
C Current C Bec Fox
C Current C Maria Gerathy
C Expired C Ava Gleeson
C Current C Annette Grace
C Expired C Caitlin Grant
C Current C Tatum Gray
C Current C Alison Gumley
C Current C Kristy Harris
C Current C Brogan Hayes
C Current C Leonie Hennessy - Smith
C Current C Kacey Hills
C Current C Hannah Ivory
C Current C Stephanie Jaensch
C Current C Amity Jakubiszyn
C Current C Rebecca Johnson
C Current C Brooke Jones
C Current C Ella Kolabinski
C Current C Samantha Lowry
C Current C Hannah Maw
C Current C Kate Mcmaster
C Current C Kiri Mitchell
C Current C Bianca Monks
C Current C Clarissa Murphy
C Current C Allison Nibbs
C Current C Georgie Nicolson
C Current C Brydee Nutting
C Current C Ashleigh Pearton
C Current C Belinda Pearton
C Current C Scott Pearton
C Current C Kendra Perkins
C Current C Laura Phair
C Current C Caitlyn Pinel
C Current C Catherine Pinel
C Current C Eloise Piper
C Current C Ella  Rainbird 
C Current C Ella Robinson
C Current C Zoe Rogers
C Current C Claire Russell
C Current C Jordan Sice
C Current C Abby Singles
C Current C Diane Singline
C Current C Courtney Smith
C Current C Lucy Snead
C Expired C Eliza Spykers
C Current C Carol Stingel
C Current C Andy Stuart
C Current C Vanessa Tahiri
C Current C Evvie Taylor
C Current C Ashlea Turner
C Current C Samuel Tylutki
C Current C Mia Visser
C Current C Courtney Walker
C Current C Elizabeth Walker
C Current C Jasmine Wallace
C Current C Emily Wapstra
C Current C Claire Weeding
C Current C Lara Woodberry
C Expired C Lilli Woodham
C Current C Amanda Woodward
C Current C Charlotte Woollams
C Current C Samantha Woore